Rescue technique

It is important to know how to get back into the kayak if you should fall into the water. The techniques differ if you are alone and have to perform self-rescue or if you are several and can do a peer rescue. Here you can read and watch films on the different techniques.


To get back up in the kayak on your own if you fall in, you can do in several ways. 

 1. If you bring a float (inflatable pillow), attach it to the paddle and use it as a support when climbing back up in the kayak. This is a bit more advanced and requires extra equipment. When you have climbed back into the kayak, this is filled with water and you must therefore directly paddle into land / shallow water to be able to empty the kayak. 

 2. Place the paddle in the cockpit and tow the kayak ashore. This is the easiest option, but requires being close to land. 

 We do not recommend anyone to paddle alone as the risks increase. If you are inexperienced, you should definitely not paddle alone but always be at least two. 


Buddy rescue

 If you were to capsize with your kayak, there are several ways to get up again. It can be good to practice in different ways to get up in the kayak again if you should fall in.

 If you are close to land and the water is not too cold, you can swim in and tow the capsized kayak behind you. Alternatively, you swim ashore yourself and a friend tows / pulls in your kayak.

If you have a long way to land, you can instead carry out a peer rescue where a person who has not capsized empties the capsized kayak into water and then helps his wet friend in his kayak again.