The south of Stockholm archipelago is perfect for kayaking. Here you will find some suggestions for trips with the starting point from Muskö
How far do i Kayak?
A normal kayaker will kayak around 15-25 km per day. Depending on weather, wind and physical strengh.
Around Himmelsö:
Description:A short tour for half a day or maybe one day. You can adjust the length according to your preferens.
Length: 6-8 km
Duration: Fullday or halfday
Difficulty: Easy
Around Yxlö:
Description:Kayak around Yxlö and experience the Yxlö channel. Easy tour in shelterd waters.
Length: 16-18 km
Duration: Fullday
Difficulty: Easy
Nynäshamn ToR
Description:Kayak to the city of Nynäshamn and back. Why not spend a night at one of the hotels in the city?
Length: 16-18 km
Duration: Fullday or two days
Difficulty: Demanding (if windy this trip can be difficult)
MusköDescription:A multiday trip where you experience the best of the area. You can adjust the lenght of the trip accordning to your preferenses.
Length: From 40 km
Duration: Three days or more.
Difficulty: Demanding.